at Pacific Somatics
13024 Beverly Park Rd, Ste. 102, Mukilteo, WA
Available Monday and Saturday 10:30am - 6pm
I offer two types of somatic bodywork that combine curiosity and intentional focus with quality touch. This powerful combination directly impacts the areas of the brain that coordinate movement and intention allowing you to make the most of your individual potential.
Situations where the work is particularly impactful include
restoring lost movement due to injury or illness
reducing chronic muscle tension
improving balance and coordination
releasing myofascial patterns of holding associated with outdated physical and emotional coping mechanisms
Gentle touch combined with guided movement.
Helps to establish healthy movement patterns that make the most of your individual potential.
Restores voluntary access to areas of sensorimotor amnesia.
Improves balance and coordination.
$115 60 minutes
$330 package of three
Anatomy Trains Structural Integration
Restores fascial glide to areas that are resistant to movement.
Balances the soft tissues of the body to improve standing posture.
Improves stability and flexibility.
Effective at reducing hypertonicity associated with chronic tension and overuse.
$130 single session - 60 minutes
$375 three session series
$1500 12 session series